• 110 Coshocton Avenue Mount Vernon, OH 43050

  • 740-392-4000

  • Emergency: 866-231-8381

Meet Dr. Franko

To our new and current patients, we invite you to get to know Dr. Franko – including her interests, hobbies and her connection to Dr. York.

Meet Dr. Franko

As iCare Vision experiences growth, we knew the addition of another doctor would enhance the practice and best serve our patients. With the addition of Dr. Franko – a long established professional in the Mt. Vernon area – new and current patients will benefit from the added wealth of expertise and experience she brings to our eye care community.

Dr. Franko posing for a family photo with husband and two children

Learn more about iCare’s newest doctor:

At-A-Glance Background on Dr. Franko

Dr. Franko was born in Erie, Pennsylvania and grew up in Troy, Ohio. She received her bachelor’s degree in Biology/Pre-Med from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University where she served as Senior Class President.

Dr. Franko received her medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Optometry. At OSU, she served on class council and was a member of Gold Key National Honor Society.

At the Mt. Vernon First Church of the Nazarene, Dr. Franko is very involved. She’s currently a board member, volunteers in the children’s department, was in the choir (pre-COVID), and has taught preschool/kindergarten and 5th/6th grade at the church.

Dr. Franko and her husband, Steve, who is a financial advisor, have two children. Their daughter Breah is currently working on her Master’s in Music Therapy, and their son Gerrit will begin medical school at Ohio University this fall (2021).

Dr. Franko homeschooled both Breah and Gerrit from kindergarten through high school graduation. Breah and Gerrit both graduated college early, and now they’re both working toward advanced education degrees.

Dr. Franko’s Connection to Dr. York

Dr. York was a highly respected and trusted optometrist in this area. For our patients and community members who know Dr. York, Dr. Franko mentored and worked with him in his practice from 1990 until 2006. She started as an intern with Dr. York in the summer of 1990 and continued until graduation in 1992. She then practiced in his office from 1998-2006. Without question – for our community members who really miss him – Dr. Franko embodies many of his great qualities.

Outside the Office: Dr. Franko’s Hobbies and Interests

As you can imagine, as a dedicated mom and doctor – juggling things like being a soccer team mom, baseball statistician, band chaperone, and the list goes on – time for hobbies has been hard to come by through the years. But she notes that she’s working on finding time for her interests again.

Dr. Franko’s favorite hobbies and interests include music – flute, piano, and vocal – and art, although she says she hasn’t been able to dedicate as much time as she’d like to these interests in recent years. Dr. Franko notes that she used to love charcoal drawing and painting, and she recently started to spend some time with these two crafts again.

Dr. Franko also loves to travel. Internationally, she’s been to Russia and France, and she has traveled many places within the U.S. for youth group mission trips and her son’s gymnastics since he was six. She truly looks forward to traveling more in the future.

Want to Know More?

What else would you like to know about Dr. Franko? Be sure to ask her next time you’re in. She loves getting to know patients better and sharing more about herself.

Come in and see us today:

child looking at optometrist

What Kind of Pediatric Eye Doctor Should My Child See?

Whether you want to schedule your child’s first annual pediatric eye exam or they’re experiencing eye problems, learn what type of pediatric eye doctor your child should see.

What Kind of Pediatric Eye Doctor Should My Child See?

child looking at optometrist

Vision problems are very common in children. That’s why monitoring your child’s visual acuity is an essential part of ensuring their vision fully supports their living and learning needs. As your child grows, it’s vital to turn to a pediatric eye doctor to assess and monitor your child’s eye health.

If your child is experiencing an eye issue, it’s worth it to see a pediatric eye doctor versus a standard eye doctor, as pediatric eye doctors are more prepared to assess a child’s eye, identify eye problems, and take the best course of action to address, treat and/or correct a child’s vision condition.

When Should My Child First See a Pediatric Eye Doctor?

While an eye examination takes place with your child in the hospital right after they’re born, it’s typically recommended that they see a pediatric eye doctor for their first checkup between six and nine months of age. Following that, regular eye exams with a pediatric ophthalmologist should be conducted around three years of age, and then every year while they’re in school.

  • While eye exams are offered at school and during pediatrician appointments, these aren’t capable of fully assessing a child’s vision and fail to properly catch or identify a vast array of possible eye issues and conditions.
  • These eye exams are not complete vision assessments. While they can be helpful to some extent, they usually miss many serious vision problems that a pediatric eye doctor is trained to quickly detect.

Studies have shown more than 10 percent of children who pass school or pediatrician screenings actually need treatment for a visual condition. As 80% of your child’s ability to learn comes directly from their vision, the importance of an annual eye exam by a pediatric ophthalmologist is essential to their continued development.

Choosing an Eye Doctor for Your Child

When it’s time for your child to get their eyes examined, it’s important to know which type of eye doctor is best for their specific situation. To help make the decision a bit easier, here’s a look at the three main types of eye care professionals and what they specialize in.

An Orthoptist
Orthoptists are eye care professionals who work with you to manage a broad range of vision problems. They’re involved in the management of eye diseases, like lazy eye, eye alignment and macular degeneration. Often, orthoptists will work alongside ophthalmologists to assess and manage a child’s eye condition(s).

An Ophthalmologist
These eye care specialists are known as doctors of the eye, and they’re who you’ll see if your child is diagnosed with an eye problem.

Ophthalmologists graduate from medical school and are licensed to practice medicine, so their credentials are either Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO).

In addition to conducting vision exams and prescribing all forms of vision correction, ophthalmologists are trained to diagnose and treat all types of eye problems, injuries, and diseases as well as perform surgery.

An Optometrist
Doctors of Optometry have an OD credential and, in addition to an undergraduate degree, they have four years of post-graduate doctoral training.

Optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams and can diagnose and treat common vision problems and certain eye abnormalities or diseases, as well as provide pre- and post-surgical care.

Optometrists can prescribe glasses, contact lenses, eye exercises, vision aids and therapy, and topical medications to treat certain eye diseases.

What Type of Doctor Will My Child First See?

The first eye doctor your child will work with will be the optometrist. They’ll check how well your child is seeing with specific tests to measure their vision acuity and clarity. In addition, they will assess your child’s eye alignment and movement, color blindness, depth perception, peripheral (side) vision and eye pressure. If necessary, the optometrist may prescribe glasses, topical medications – like eye drops and ointments – and some oral medications.

Pediatric Optometrist Eye Exams: What to Expect

Your child’s eye exam may vary from doctor to doctor, but they’re all designed to check for the same basic abilities and potential problems.

A pediatric optometrist’s exam consists of a comprehensive eye assessment to identify potential eye-related diseases, a refraction test that assesses your child’s vision, and a visual function and eye health assessment. In addition, your child may be given eye drops, which are used to dilate the pupils, giving the doctor a better view of the structures inside the eye, such as the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. This allows them to determine if your child has a focusing or refractive error that requires glasses. If your child requires additional medical attention, the optometrist will refer you to an ophthalmologist to further evaluate the issue.

When Your Child Needs to See an Orthoptist

If your ophthalmologist thinks your child might have a vision problem, they may refer you to an orthoptist to carry out the medical treatment plan prescribed by the ophthalmologist.

The orthoptist might do tests to determine what your child can see and whether your child’s vision development is on track for their age. Additionally, they’ll check for reduced vision in one or both eyes and see if your child’s eyes are moving together properly. The orthoptist might also look at other areas of your child’s vision, such as how they see colors and how well they can see at various distances. Pediatric orthoptists may also check your child’s pupils and eye pressure to get a full picture of how they see the world around them.

Your Child’s Pediatric Eye Doctor: Proudly Serving Pediatric Patients in Mount Vernon & Surrounding Areas

To make sure your child’s vision is healthy and precisely supporting his or her learning and living needs, an annual visit to an optometrist who specializes in treating young children is essential.

At iCare Vision, we see to it that your child’s vision is thoroughly assessed, and they find the experience fun and engaging.

If your child is feeling a little anxious about the exam, they can relax and play before they see the doctor in our children’s corner and coloring area in the waiting room.

If the doctor finds that your child would benefit from glasses, your child can pick out cool frames that fit their personality with our collection of children’s frames.

Schedule an optometrist exam or call us for an ophthalmology reference.

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